Dehradun, December 11, 2024
Provisional Merit List Released by Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission for Intermediate-Level Posts
The Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) has published the provisional merit list for document verification based on the physical measurement and efficiency test for intermediate-level posts in various departments. The list is available on the commission’s website, www.sssc.uk.gov.in.
According to UKSSSC, applications were invited for intermediate-level posts such as Transport Constable, Excise Constable, Sub-Excise Inspector, Hostel Manager Grade-3, Grihmata, and Housekeeper (Women). The physical measurement and efficiency tests for Transport Constable, Excise Constable, and Sub-Excise Inspector were conducted from January 11, 2024, to February 16, 2024. The list of qualified candidates for these posts was published on June 4, 2024.
For Hostel Manager Grade-3, Grihmata, and Housekeeper (Women) posts, along with the qualified candidates from the physical tests, a written competitive examination was conducted on June 30, 2024. Based on this examination, the provisional merit list for document verification was published on August 14, 2024, on the commission’s website.
For Excise Constable posts, the provisional merit list for document verification has been prepared based on the combined scores of the physical efficiency test and written examination. This list has been published on the commission’s website following the prescribed ratio of vacant posts.
UKSSSC clarified that the provisional merit list is not the final selection result. The final results will be declared after verifying the candidates’ claims made in their online applications against the documents submitted at the commission’s office on the specified date. The final selection will be based on the merit of eligible candidates relative to the number of posts available.
Details regarding the dates and timings for document verification will be announced shortly on the commission’s website.
For more details, visit: Intermediate-Level Posts (Excise Constable) Provisional Merit List for Document Verification.